RXqpon.com Discount Card ~ Drug Savings Card

With the RXQpon.com prescription savings card you can save UP TO 80% on your prescription medication. This drugstore prescription savings card can be used at ANY local drugstore or pharmacy, whether it’s a retail store (Target, Costco, CVS, WalMart, RiteAid, Publix, ect.) or just your local pharmacy. The RXqpon.com discount card is accepted at over 60,000 pharmacies all across the United States.

FREE Prescription Savings Card

This card is FREE for you to use whenever you fill a prescription. There are no fees involved, no registering/signing up required, can be used on any member of your family or passed along to your friends, as well as no activation required. This drugstore prescription savings card can save you UP TO 80% on your prescription if you:
•Don’t have prescription insurance coverage
•Prescription isn’t covered by insurance
•Have a high deductible you will never meet
•Medicare donut hole (only in special cases)


To receive your Prescription Savings Card just simply click on the image and select print, then bring to your favorite pharmacy for savings. Can’t print your coupon card? That’s ok, you can write down the following information and take to your pharmacy of choice.

RXQpon.com Savings Card

BIN: 900020
Group: SJC401
ID: (Your 9 digit phone number)

You can also pull this web page up on your smart phone and show the image to the pharmacy technician or take a screen shot and let them see the photo.

Manufacturer Drug Coupons & Discount Cards

For even more savings you can use your RXqpon.com savings card along with any prescription medication manufacturer coupons. A lot of manufacturers have coupons available online, from your doctor, or even at pharmacies for you to save on their medications. Some of these manufacturer coupons require that you process the prescription through your primary insurance first, well that can be a problem if you either don’t have insurance or you insurance doesn’t cover the medication. If that is the case you can use this discount card in place of the primary insurance and process to the manufacturer drug coupon. Manufacturer Drug Coupons